
Tuesday, January 5, 2010

interior design inspiration from Kube

This is not your standard sofa set – it's interior design inspiration from Kube by Linea Italia. For living room design ideas, Kube is your all-in-one modern design essential for thousands of ideas to transform your home into your own private customized playground. Designed by Italy’s ZeroTreArchitetti, the modular design of Kube lets you put the pieces together as you please, using the individual and interchangeable seats, armrests and backs. And if you just can’t seem to make up your mind when it comes to layout, these awesome independent pieces can be reconfigured at any time, so your living room design can swing with your daily moods and changing needs. Kube is available with seven varying versions of arm rests, back-arm rests and arm-back rests. Another really cool feature of Kube is Armrest Sound – an innovative element that incorporates a powerful 160-watt speaker built right into the structure, and compatible with your PC, MP3 player and video game console, making this your ultimate home entertainment center. And color is no object, so to speak – with Kube’s variety of covers, the color and pattern of your pieces can change at the drop of a hat. For infinite interior design inspiration for the living room and any room in your home

Designing and decorating living space for children

Designing and decorating living space for children can be a very fun and exciting part of home Interior design. It's easy to let your imagination go because children are very creative and imaginative on their own. That's also why it's a good idea to include children in the planning stages of your design as they can often come up with great ideas on their own that you would never think of.

Probably one of the best places to start on designing a theme for a child's room is to start with their own favorite activity or interest. Of course, as children grow up their interests often change dramatically, so try to decorate in such a way that the accessories can be changed as a child gets older and gets more interested in other activities. But usually, children will get very excited if they know that their room will be decorated to reflect their favorite interests. Just be sure to go over it carefully with them in advance to get their input on what they really like. That way your Interior design will be sure to be a hit.

When designing and decorating for children, one of the advantages is that you can often choose color schemes and combinations that you do not often use in adult surroundings. In fact, you can often go much brighter and bolder with colors that you select for children. You can also arrange the room in a different way then you would normally with most adult rooms. For instance, a chalkboard or toy box may be the centerpiece of a child's room, and this would be far more appropriate than making a seating arrangement the focal point instead.

The accessories that you choose for a child's room will also be completely different than those that you choose for an adult. Toys and collectibles make great accessories for the room of a child. However, the child may want to play with these toys instead of just leave them on display. In this case, it may be advisable to buy duplicates of the toy accessories. One set can be used for display, and the other set can be used as an actual toy. It's also not best to use collectibles that are of high value in a child's room. Remember, children just want to have fun. And they aren't thinking about the price or cost of a collectible item. So whatever collectibles you choose to use as decorations in your child's room should not be so expensive that it would cause a problem if it became broken.

Another great way to spice up the appearance of a child's room is to use one of the millions of available bed treatments as a central theme that fits in with the overall design of the room. Usually these kind of bed treatments packages come as a full set that includes matching sheets, a comforter, dust ruffle, and window coverings. Altogether, these can quickly change the overall appearance of the child's room very fast. Once again, just make sure that you involve your child in the buying decision process to make sure that it is something that they will be happy with.

When changing the overall theme of a child's room, just keep in mind that most changes you make should not be considered to be permanent at this stage in their life. It's not uncommon to have to change the theme of a child's room every couple of years or so to stay up with their changing interests. And kids are very hard on their furniture as a general rule. So there is no need to be buying expensive furniture and accessories that may only last a short while or get ruined.

Finally and most importantly, the focus of all home interior design ideas for your children can be summed up in two words, have fun!

Remodeling Guidelines to Re-Green Your Interior Design

As part of the online document (hooray for tree-free), the guidelines are accompanied by 10 case studies covering different project types -- kitchen remodel, bathroom remodel, finished basement remodel, gut rehab, etc. -- and is chock-full of home remodeling and interior design ideas, all with a green point of view.

The guidelines are just that -- guidelines -- rather than a script to be followed, which is closer to LEED's approach, and that has both drawbacks and benefits. Doing it right will require getting everybody -- including interior designers, contractors, sub-contractors and homeowners -- all on the same page, and the systems-based approach will require that everything work well together; executing a green home remodel won't be as easy as slapping in some bamboo cabinets and plugging in an Energy Star fridge. But if you're going to do it, you might as well do it well, right?

bedrooms home that packs an intelligent design

What you see above is a 4 bedrooms home that packs an intelligent design by combining a living area with a truly amazing backyard garden. Located on the streets of Fitzroy, an inner city suburb of Melbourne, even though it’s not wide it promotes open space to make it look bigger, and packs some modern furniture to get your eyes with. May not be the home of my dreams, but it sure has lots of key elements to charm me with. Like it?

New York Residential Interior Design Doesn’t Have to be Boring

Professional New York Residential Interior Design Doesn’t Have to be Boring!
If you live in a residential area, chances are that the look of your and your neighbor’s homes is rather predictable, almost like the residential interior design reflected in movies about suburbia. However, with some know-how, you can make sure that your home isn’t an example of boring residential interior design.
About Professional New York Residential Interior Design
Perhaps one of the most amusing things about residential interior design is that there are several different kinds, but within a neighborhood, almost all the houses might share the same look. There is no understandable reason for the residential interior design of a neighborhood to be so similar, but there are several plausible explanations.
The first explanation has to do with the model of the houses themselves. Many houses in certain neighborhoods have the same basic house structure according to whatever contractor developed the area.
The second explanation might have something to do with just plain imitation. For example, if some neighbors are gathered together at one house, their might be a particular look that many of the neighbors find appealing, and would thus like to implement in their own home. Of course, if the entire neighborhood has the same ideas, that can make for a very boring residential interior design.
So, what are some examples of boring residential interior design? Well, the room in the house that most people seem to have a similar look for is the family room. The family room is almost always comprised of a couch, an armchair or two, and that all-important television, usually part of an entertainment system.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Interior Kitchen Set-Interior Kitchen Set

The Interior Kitchen-Set. Kitchen is one room that should have in our house, because in the kitchen of the house to do cooking activities – cooking for the whole family. Along with the development of community kitchens started to change. Previously, in general,in the kitchen divided into the kitchen clean and dirty kitchen and is located separate to the main house is located in a corner or back home the impression that.

Interior Minimalist-Interior Minimalist

Interior Minimalist-Interior Minimalist

The Benefits of a Minimalist Home

I could probably go on for a while about this, but let me just list a few key benefits of Interior Minimalist: (1). Less stressful. Clutter is a form of visual distraction, and everything in our vision pulls at our attention at least a little. The less clutter, the less visual stress we have. A minimalist home is calming. (2). More appealing. Think about photos of homes that are cluttered, and photos of minimalist homes. The ones with almost nothing in them except some beautiful furniture, some nice artwork, and a very few pretty decorations, are the ones that appeal to most of us. You can make your home more appealing by making it more minimalist. (3). Easier to clean. It’s hard to clean a whole bunch of objects, or to sweep or vacuum around a bunch of furniture. The more stuff you have, the more you have to keep clean, and the more complicated it is to clean around the stuff. Think about how easy it is to clean an empty room compared to one with 50 objects in it. That’s an extreme example, of course, as I wouldn’t recommend you have an empty room, but it’s just to illustrate the difference.